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Alfa 159 lenkwinkel

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Beitrag08-01-2010, 17:23    Titel: Alfa 159 lenkwinkel Antworten mit Zitat

Hi everybody. I would like to read out the steering wheel angle that I've been told should be sent on the CAN bus. Does anybody know if all Alfa Romeo share the same CAN protocol design? I found on the internet some schematics for the OBD connector of an Alfa 147 where it looks like both CAN busses are available (fast and slow). Would it work on a 159?
Does anybody know the ID to identify the data coming from the steering wheel sensor? Or is it easy to reverse engineer it looking at the data?
Thank you for your help and I apologize for any silly question but I have no experience about this protocol.
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Beitrag08-01-2010, 19:06    Titel: Re: Alfa 159 lenkwinkel Antworten mit Zitat

Hi il-bianka.
It schozld be easy to find out what the LWS Identifier is. I don´t think that teay are all the same on all Alfa.
What kind of Hardware do you have?
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Beitrag08-01-2010, 19:17    Titel: Re: Alfa 159 lenkwinkel Antworten mit Zitat

At the moment I still don't have any hardware. Fuchs suggested the one form mictronics.de. If you have any suggestion let me know. Especially about the best software to understand something from the data I get. Do you know if the steering angle is sent on the low speed CAN or the high speed CAN? At the moment I still can't find a website where they show the pinout of the OBD connector of the alfa 159 but there should be for sure at least the low speed one.
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