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USB CAN interface - easy way to check it works

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Autor Nachricht
Tony G


Kostenloser Account, kein CAN Entwicklungs-Support

Beitrag02-04-2006, 20:42    Titel: USB CAN interface - easy way to check it works Antworten mit Zitat

Hello! - first post - my apologies it in English.

I bought the CANUSB interface.

Today, I had time to install onto my laptop and check everything works on my new vehicle which arrived this week.

I used the USB to serial software, and the device appears on COM4

Nothing seems to work, so I have some questions:

1) What default serial settings should I use?
2) What default settings should I use within Canhack software.

My car is a VW T5 Multivan, with plenty of CAN busses to play with! I am initially using the OBDII connector and lead.

Any help in English on getting the basic settings would be very welcome.

Thanks, Tony
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Kostenloser Account, kein CAN Entwicklungs-Support

Beitrag02-04-2006, 20:49    Titel: USB CAN interface - easy way to check it works Antworten mit Zitat

Hi Tony,

first of all, sorry I can't help you BECAUSE: I have exactly the same problem icon_wink.gif

today I tested the device for the first time with a VW Golf V (which uses all functions over CAN) and connected it to OBD-diagnostic-port. The Port COM4 appears on my Notebook, and I tested several speeds, and with running motor and so on...but no logs at all...

when I click on connect, it displays connected (but it always says it is connected, when the COM-Port appears in the device-manager)
the grren light at the CAN-Connector blinks for a second and then disappears.
I clicked in the CAN-Hacker-application on connect an then start...nothing happens

something we have to do, so it will work?


Zuletzt bearbeitet am 09-02-2012, 19:26, insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet.
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Tony G


Kostenloser Account, kein CAN Entwicklungs-Support

Beitrag02-04-2006, 21:24    Titel: USB CAN interface - easy way to check it works Antworten mit Zitat

Hi Andi,

Your description is identical to my setup and results!

The mk V features very similar CAN bus architecture too, so any help will be good for both of us.

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Beitrag20-04-2006, 21:38    Titel: USB CAN interface - easy way to check it works Antworten mit Zitat

When I connect my adapter directly to the can cables at the radio (Infotainment bus) all works fine.
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Kostenloser Account, kein CAN Entwicklungs-Support

Beitrag20-04-2006, 22:05    Titel: USB CAN interface - easy way to check it works Antworten mit Zitat

You possibly need to perform an initialization sequence in accordance with ISO15765-4 to get data on your OBD connector.
Also OBD transfer is normaly done in request response manner and the OBD CAN stub is separate from all other in-car CAN bus systems.
Try to request data from the OBD CAN gateway, see also ISO15765 for details.
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