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Volkswagen Group DSP Verstärker Aktivierung

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CAN Hacker seit: 26.11.2016
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CAN-Diagnose gefällt das.
Beitrag12-12-2016, 16:27    Titel: Volkswagen Group DSP Verstärker Aktivierung Antworten mit Zitat

Sorry for the English,

But this information could be helpful for those like me who have a VW DSP Sound System and want to install a new car stereo.

Normally the aftermarket Car Stereo units aren't able to send the right commands to the can-bus in order to activate the external amplifier.
For this reason there are some companies selling special can-bus adapters able to do this.
But if you follow this procedure it is not necessary.

1) disconnect the old Head Unit
2) disconnect the battery for at least 20 minutes (just the minus pole is enough)
3) connect the new Head Unit
4) connect the battery
After this the amplifier goes in a special mode where it is switched on by the key-on can-bus message and switched off by the key-off can-bus message and doesn’t need the activation message sent by the original head unit.
I have tested this on my Skoda Superb 2012 with 12 channel DSP Sound System and it works.

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