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Looking for Advice on Ethical Hacking Resources and Beginner

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CAN Hacker seit: 16.11.2024
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Beitrag18-11-2024, 9:59    Titel: Looking for Advice on Ethical Hacking Resources and Beginner Antworten mit Zitat

Hello Everyone,

In order to better understand cybersecurity and assist in fortifying systems against possible threats, I'm a novice who is interested in learning ethical hacking. I've always found the thoughts and methods of hackers to be fascinating, and I want to make good use of that knowledge.

I have some questions as someone who is starting from scratch, and I would appreciate hearing from the knowledgeable community on these:

Initial Resources: Which books, classes, or websites offer a strong foundation in cybersecurity and ethical hacking, in your opinion? Resources that are both beginner-friendly and sufficiently comprehensive to establish solid foundational knowledge are what I'm searching for.

Software and Tools: What software or tools should I become familiar with? Although I've heard of tools like Wireshark and Metasploit, I'm not sure how to properly learn them.

Possibilities for Practice: Can I safely practice ethical hacking on any websites or platforms? I'm not sure which "capture the flag" (CTF) challenges are most appropriate for novices, despite having read about them.

Community Contribution: Lastly, as I gain knowledge, how can I help this community? Once I have some experience, I would love to contribute and be an active member here.

I value your time and knowledge and am excited to join this active community! Thanks in advance for your help and support.

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