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Grande Punto Blue & me

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CAN Hacker seit: 12.11.2009
Beiträge: 1
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Beitrag12-11-2009, 11:28    Titel: Grande Punto Blue & me Antworten mit Zitat

Sorry for the english but i don't know the german language.
Does anyone have logs of the B-Can from a grande punto or even bravo with blue & me? I am exploring the dashboard screen and since my car does not have blue & me i don't have data about how this system writes on the screen.
Now i can only write "pretending" that the data is rds information coming from the radio.. I use these ids: 0A114005: XX XX XX XX XX XX where the first byte is the source of the radio (Radio fm, Radio am, Cd, mp3, etc...), next bytes in asosiation with the first contain information about the source that is playing (track nubmer, pause, etc..). Next id i use is 0A194005:XX XX XX XX XX XX XX. Six first bytes contain the rds text string and are the same as in stilo, seventh byte enables or disables the text string... if it is 80 no string shows on screen, if 0 string is displayed.
Also any other information about ids and data of the canbus of Grande punto would be great
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