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2006 AUDI A8 D3 Intrument Cluster Hack

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CAN Hacker seit: 25.09.2017
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Beitrag25-09-2017, 6:38    Titel: 2006 AUDI A8 D3 Intrument Cluster Hack Antworten mit Zitat

Hello Everyone!

First of all I am new to this forum, so I would like to thank you for reading this at the first place.

I am a car enthusiast I collect Instruemnt clusters and make them work off of my computer. I have managed to get my hands on a "2006 AUDI A8 D3 4E 3.0 TDI 4E0920950P)" instrument cluster with the intention to make this work. I have experience with CAN bus, K and LIN bus communications as I have done many of these in the last couple years.

However I am not a wizard or something like that, so without any information I can't get it to work.

I would like to ask You to help me out with some wiring diagrams and maybe CAN codes if any of You (or somebody You know) has the knowledge.

Thank You for reading my first Topic here at CANhack.de

Zoltan K.
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CAN Hacker seit: 07.06.2011
Beiträge: 553
Karma: +27 / -0   Danke, gefällt mir!
Wohnort: Ländle

Zoszko gefällt das.
Beitrag25-09-2017, 9:01    Titel: 2006 AUDI A8 D3 Intrument Cluster Hack Antworten mit Zitat

Dear Zoltan,

you can get wiring diagrams from http://erwin.audi.com

Best regards, Rainer
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Rainer Kaufmann - Embedded @ Kaufmann Automotive GmbH
CANhack.de System RKS+CAN: CAN-Bus Interface

Zuletzt bearbeitet am 25-09-2017, 9:02, insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet.
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CAN Hacker seit: 25.09.2017
Beiträge: 2
Karma: +0 / -0   Danke, gefällt mir!

Kostenloser Account, kein CAN Entwicklungs-Support

Beitrag25-09-2017, 9:13    Titel: 2006 AUDI A8 D3 Intrument Cluster Hack Antworten mit Zitat

CAN-Diagnose hat folgendes geschrieben:
Dear Zoltan,

you can get wiring diagrams from http://erwin.audi.com

Best regards, Rainer

Hello Rainer!

Thanks for the quick information. icon_smile_thumb_up.gif

Any possible source of the CAN ID-s and what they represent?
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CAN Hacker seit: 07.06.2011
Beiträge: 553
Karma: +27 / -0   Danke, gefällt mir!
Wohnort: Ländle

Beitrag25-09-2017, 9:24    Titel: 2006 AUDI A8 D3 Intrument Cluster Hack Antworten mit Zitat

The search function is your friend. icon_smile.gif

Some CAN-IDs are also common to other Audi models.

Best regards, Rainer
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Rainer Kaufmann - Embedded @ Kaufmann Automotive GmbH
CANhack.de System RKS+CAN: CAN-Bus Interface
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