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[audi][rns-e] digital tuner

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Beitrag15-07-2014, 10:42    Titel: [audi][rns-e] digital tuner Antworten mit Zitat

Hello All,
sorry for English.

My goal is to connect bluetooth (a2dp) as aux, or better instead of digital radio, I've purchase and check sirius receiver but there is a problem, in EU version I can't code it and sirius not communicate with radio (send a few frames and after couple seconds go to sleep).

I saw that there is possibility to code 'digital tuner' but I have no clue what CU should I connect

So maybe someone here know at least partnumber and if it works similar (from user iface point of view)to siurius or xm, or maybe there is a way to use sirius or xm receiver without loosing odd frequency.

thanks in advance
I have some scrap of info about PQ35 (VW416/428) motor canbus, I can't post it directly but if someone ask about certain CANid I can check it.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
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