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ME17.2 Drivetrain Messages

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CAN Hacker seit: 19.01.2017
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Beitrag19-01-2017, 0:32    Titel: ME17.2 Drivetrain Messages Antworten mit Zitat

Has anyone compiled the drivetrain can messages for an ME17.2? My vehicle is a 2012 CC Sport. I am specifically interested in the DSG messages for Park, Reverse, Neutral, Sport, +tiptronic, -tiptronic.

I have pulled some data. Looks like ID 540 is for Park, Reverse, Neutral, and Sport. But I have not been able to find the messages for a paddle upshift or paddle downshift.

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CAN Hacker seit: 19.01.2017
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Beitrag19-01-2017, 16:05    Titel: ME17.2 Drivetrain Messages Antworten mit Zitat

Correction, CANID 540 appears to just be for the dash to display the gear.
ID 448 appears to be the actual gear change message. Can someone confirm this?

My project: I am installing a VW 2.0TSI with DSG into my Lotus Exige. I want to remove the physical gear select lever and replace with a electronic dial.

My problem: when it is in a particular gear, PARK for instance, the can message is:

ID B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
448 82 0 FF 1F 70

but bytes 3 & 4 are constantly changing. What message would I write out?

Data for "PARK" attached.


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Zuletzt bearbeitet am 19-01-2017, 18:46, insgesamt 4-mal bearbeitet.
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CAN Hacker seit: 13.11.2013
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CAN Support

Beitrag20-01-2017, 8:41    Titel: ME17.2 Drivetrain Messages Antworten mit Zitat

Yes, you're checking correct ID. This ID is for gear selector.
In your log i see you're in "parking".
Last byte - 0x70.
Gear is high nibble, so mask 0xF0. And its inverted. SO in your case is 0111xxxxb --> 1000xxxxb. That mean P.
D should be - 0101xxxxb..

Byte2 (in your case B3, i'm always counting from 0) is Test result from second ID.
Byte3 low nibble - simple counter.

Byte3 bit4 - test active flag - 0-test result invalid, 1-test result valid.
Byte3 bits 7..5 - free.
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CAN Hacker seit: 19.01.2017
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Beitrag20-01-2017, 15:07    Titel: ME17.2 Drivetrain Messages Antworten mit Zitat

Thank you!

One thing I do not understand is: "Byte2 is the test result from 2nd ID"

Can you explain this in more detail?

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