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Mercedes driver mirror

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Beitrag04-04-2007, 21:07    Titel: Mercedes driver mirror Antworten mit Zitat

Hi all,

First message here, i just got my new can-interface and went hacking straight away.

After staring at the numbers on my laptop screen for a while, i was able to move the right-hand-side mirror in all directions and flap in-out, from the PC that is.

Now the only trouble is: i could not find any signals on the CAN-B indicating movement of the left-hand-side mirror, nor could i move it from the PC while experimenting.

Anyone any idea if/how the left-hand-side mirror can be commanded from the CAN bus?

If anyone is interested: it's al about CAN ID 28C, 5th data byte
The car is a MB Viano (11/2006)


P.S. Please feel free to answer 'auf Deutsch'
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Kostenloser Account, kein CAN Entwicklungs-Support

Beitrag06-04-2007, 21:29    Titel: Mercedes driver mirror Antworten mit Zitat

I'll reply to my own question:
Just found out that the control module in the left front door does not send anything out for the left front door, instead it drives the motors and lights directly.

Bad luck.
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