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can tool and CAN protokol

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Beitrag19-07-2007, 23:35    Titel: can tool and CAN protokol Antworten mit Zitat

Im interested in the CAN protokol and thought that i could learn a bit by monitoring
the transmission with can tool.

But the result i not what i'm expecting.

If i send '68D 8 00 00 00 00 11 00 11 88' from can tool what i read on the COM port is exactly the same...

What happened to the CRC field and the other parts specified in the CAN protokol?

Hope some1 might be able to help me understand the protokol a little better.
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Kostenloser Account, kein CAN Entwicklungs-Support

Beitrag25-07-2007, 21:54    Titel: Re: can tool and CAN protokol Antworten mit Zitat

The CAN protokoll is direct on the chip on the Interface the comunication betwen can tool and PC is the lawciel protokoll and have nothing to do with te can protokoll.

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