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Kostenloser Account, kein CAN Entwicklungs-Support

Beitrag04-09-2007, 0:44    Titel: LKW CAN J1939 Antworten mit Zitat

Hello all of you I am new here on the forum and first of all I want to say "whowww" what a brilliant forum.

Sorry that I write in the English langauge, my German is like Rudi Carel a fellow dutchman. I have no problem reading written German, so please do not hesitate to answer me in the German language.

My question is truck specific, I'm working on a project in wich I have to reduce the max torque, prefereble with a CAN command. Now I make use of a Truck Tuner who change the Torque limiter in the trucks ECU. Our ECU supports CAN 2.0 B as we use it to read CAN Engine messages. I know that it is possible to enter a second Engine Torque Map into the engines ECU I think that it has to do with PGN 65251.

My question: is there someone who know how to write these points into the ECU and how to switch between them?

Please help me, my project is stalling at the moment.

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Kostenloser Account, kein CAN Entwicklungs-Support

Beitrag11-09-2007, 16:40    Titel: Re: LKW CAN J1939 Antworten mit Zitat

Hi Raysigher,

im Zusammenhang mit Programmierungen bzw. Entwicklung von SAE-J1939-Geräten, habe ich mich etwas mit dem Thema beschäftigen müssen - war sehr intessant.
Ich werde mal ein paar Kollegen von damals hierzu kontaktieren - mit welchem Erfolg, kann ich jedoch nicht sagen.
Warum sagst du 'I think that it has to do with PGN 65251' ?
Vielleicht eine dumme Frage, aber: Was ist ein PGN 65251?

Gruß moses
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Kostenloser Account, kein CAN Entwicklungs-Support

Beitrag10-09-2012, 22:38    Titel: LKW CAN J1939 Antworten mit Zitat

As I understand, this PGN only deliveres information but cannot be used to 'program' the ECU:

pgn65251 - Engine Configuration - EC -
Transmission Repetition Rate: On change of torque/speed points of more than 10% since last transmission. Alternatively , or every 5 s.
Data Length: 34 bytes
Data Page: 0
PDU Format: 254
PDU Specific: 227
Default Priority: 6
Parameter Group Number: 65251 ( 00FEE3 16 )
Bit Start Position /Bytes Length SPN Description SPN
1-2 2 bytes Engine Speed At Idle, Point 1 (Engine Configuration) 188
3 1 byte Percent Torque At Idle, Point 1 (Engine Configuration) 539
4-5 2 bytes Engine Speed At Point 2 (Engine Configuration) 528
6 1 byte Percent Torque At Point 2 (Engine Configuration) 540
7-8 2 bytes Engine Speed At Point 3 (Engine Configuration) 529
9 1 byte Percent Torque At Point 3 (Engine Configuration) 541
10-11 2 bytes Engine Speed At Point 4 (Engine Configuration) 530
12 1 byte Percent Torque At Point 4 (Engine Configuration) 542
13-14 2 bytes Engine Speed At Point 5 (Engine Configuration) 531
15 1 byte Percent Torque At Point 5 (Engine Configuration) 543
16-17 2 bytes Engine Speed At High Idle, Point 6 (Engine Configuration) 532
18-19 2 bytes Gain (Kp) Of The Endspeed Governor (Engine Configuration) 545
20-21 2 bytes Reference Engine Torque (Engine Configuration) 544
22-23 2 bytes Maximum Momentary Engine Override Speed, Point 7 (Engine Configuration) 533
24 1 byte Maximum Momentary Override Time Limit (Engine Configuration) 534
25 1 byte Requested Speed Control Range Lower Limit (Engine Configuration) 535
26 1 byte Requested Speed Control Range Upper Limit (Engine Configuration) 536
27 1 byte Requested Torque Control Range Lower Limit (Engine Configuration) 537
28 1 byte Requested Torque Control Range Upper Limit (Engine Configuration) 538
29-30 2 bytes Extended Range Requested Speed Control Range Upper Limit (Engine
31-32 2 bytes Engine Moment of Inertia 1794
33-34 2 bytes Default Engine Torque Limit 1846
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