I got interested in CAN because I don't like being unable to fix my car myself. The very best example I have seen so far is http://pikkupossu.1g.fi/tomi/projects/i-bus/i-bus.htmland of course Attila Vass : http://www.vassfamily.net/ToyotaPrius/CAN/cindex.html.
Very impressive work.
Anyway, I have been collecting data from my 2000 Mercedes ML270, to work out what is what. This car has a different set up from new models - the bus is split up Can-H Can-L around the car.Only some nodes have both lines. (500Kbit)
By parsing log files into Excel, and matching with a GPS log, I have been able to identify :
Engine RPM (2 byte)
Steering angle (2 byte)
Brake pressure (2 byte)
Wheel speed 4 x 2byte pairs
Engine temp 1 byte
I collected 37000 messages over 20Km (29minutes) - lots at 20ms or 25ms
I am still trying to identify engine torque / MAF / manifold vacuum. The other parameters in there somewhere are accelerometer data and wheel slip ratios - for ASR/ESP.
There are many messages with a mixture of 'analog' data as well as what I would call flag bytes -with individual bits set or un set- mostly switches - or to operate lamps as far as I can see
Graphing inside Excel is tricky - as the 2-byte data does not look quite right in the raw state. If anybody else has positively identified the Mercedes module addresses I would like to hear about it !
My German is not good enough to post with ! ?try Google language tools http://www.google.co.uk/language_tools?hl=de?
I use it for some of your posts