Ich weiss, hier gehts eigentlich um den CAN Bus.
Hat sich jemand schonmal mit dem LIN Bus auseinandergesetzt?
Ich versuche das hintere Climatronic Steuergerät von nem T5 ohne das vordere
Steuergerät ans laufen zu bekommen. Verbunden sind beide über nen LIN Bus.
Hat irgendjemand in der Richtung schonmal was gemacht?
Unfortunately i can not start a private conversation with less than 6 postings in this forum. So i will post it here:
What i am trying to do is the following: I bought a VW T5 (T5.2, facelift)
rear climatronic control module with lin bus interface and want to run it on my manual
regulated heater system in my old T5 (2006).
This rear control module (7E5907049B) has a lin bus.
I have the connection/pinout diagram. If i connect it to 12V and GND it does not power up. I assume it has to be woken up by a lin bus command/request.
Do you have any information about the protocol between the front module and this rear module?
In addition I also ordered the front control module as well, it did not arrive yet.
My plan is to use a lin bus sniffer to intercept the data between the front module and the rear module and to copy that transactions using a small microcontroller module.
The last part is no problem for me. The only thing i am missing is the protocol.
If you have some information that could save me some reverse engineering that would be great.
Zuletzt bearbeitet am 11-07-2016, 15:07, insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet.