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Audi A4 8E ID...

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CAN Hacker seit: 11.05.2016
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Beitrag26-07-2016, 14:45    Titel: Audi A4 8E ID... Antworten mit Zitat

Hi guys,
Am kind of frustrated here and wanted to check with you if anyone had similar experience.

Ive logged out comfort can data from my A4 B7 (8E) -07 avant and I've found ID for passenger mirror and window. With these IDs I'm able to control those.
But for driver side I get nothing at all.

I also tested in deep desperation to log out all data from comfort bus and then re-play it back to the bus and passenger side window goes up and down as was recorded, same with mirror tilting but on driver side everything is quiet.

I've also tested with key fob window controlling, they are running up and down as recorded but replaying back has no effect what so ever on driver side.

Any ideas why ?

Just to confirm, I've tested another A4 avant with slight different setup than mine but it does behave exactly as my car does. Passenger side is controlled but nothing happens on drivers door.
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CAN Hacker seit: 11.05.2016
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Beitrag26-07-2016, 18:07    Titel: Audi A4 8E ID... Antworten mit Zitat

Also for clarification
* I'm tapping right to busses coming into instrument cluster (comf,info,engine)
* And I've tried on comfort bus can cables directly on drivers door module with no success
* I've ran trial-n-error in window module buttons with LIN transceivers with no luck

Overall, I've tried sending all from 1-FF to all bytes that mine has, (is only 2 bytes) and only first byte with 10,20,40 and 80 are triggering passengers window. But logs do not show any 01,02,04,08 as I've found from other sources who state successful driver door controlling and Injectin these values have no effect in my car.
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CAN Hacker seit: 13.11.2013
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CAN Support

Beitrag27-07-2016, 8:53    Titel: Audi A4 8E ID... Antworten mit Zitat

In audi a5 FL is one ID for all windows control. It's compatible with audi a4 b8, so maybe in your audi it's different.

But I did not test with mirrors... just with windows.

Another one 4 IDs are for each window possitions. So all the time you know in which positions all windows are.

Zuletzt bearbeitet am 27-07-2016, 8:54, insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet.
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CAN Hacker seit: 04.01.2012
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Wohnort: Hannover

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Beitrag27-07-2016, 9:14    Titel: Audi A4 8E ID... Antworten mit Zitat

Maybe it wasn't intended to control the driver mirror by a CAN message. Which situation should this be, where another ECU aims to control the driver mirror? I assume, the appropriate CAN message isn't implemented.
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CAN Hacker seit: 13.11.2013
Beiträge: 61
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CAN Support

Beitrag27-07-2016, 11:06    Titel: Audi A4 8E ID... Antworten mit Zitat

Surfjenser hat folgendes geschrieben:
Maybe it wasn't intended to control the driver mirror by a CAN message. Which situation should this be, where another ECU aims to control the driver mirror? I assume, the appropriate CAN message isn't implemented.

As i know in vw passat b7 it's possible retract mirrors with CAN message. About "view angle" changes i dont know.
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CAN Hacker seit: 11.05.2016
Beiträge: 7
Karma: +2 / -0   Danke, gefällt mir!

Kostenloser Account, kein CAN Entwicklungs-Support

Beitrag27-07-2016, 18:29    Titel: Audi A4 8E ID... Antworten mit Zitat

Thanks for your replies icon_smile.gif
Ya I've found ID for possible positioning and as I've tested to inject. Nothing happens so that could possibly be excluded for controlling.

I too thought that there probably isn't can I'd assigned for driver window since there's probably no use for that, but there actually is a function trigger for windows. That is when using keyfob alarm/dis-alarm buttons, I'm able to run both up and down both windows.

Interestingingly, when I record bus data traffic while pressing and holding fob button and windows are running and then replaying that into the bus, nothing happens.

So I assume there is a ID (or few separate IDs which depend on each others data), for triggering driver window as well.
I think it's probably tricky to find it, or de-puzzle the combo between those utter unknown IDs :/
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