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CAN-BUS Renault Megane 3

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Beitrag28-12-2014, 1:38    Titel: CAN-BUS Renault Megane 3 Antworten mit Zitat


First off all sorry for my little bad english but i'm italian....

I'm working on steering wheel interface for my megane 3 '09 ..

I can not find the connection between the steering wheel and the radio through the canbus

anyone has any useful information ? CAN ID etc .. ?
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CAN Hacker seit: 13.11.2013
Beiträge: 61
Karma: +7 / -0   Danke, gefällt mir!

CAN Support

Beitrag28-12-2014, 23:01    Titel: CAN-BUS Renault Megane 3 Antworten mit Zitat

Why you're trying to find connection between steering and radio?
I'm sure your radio has CAN bus (if not, then what for you need CAN bus to radio). Your steering control module definitely has CAN bus.

If you're loocking CAN bus connection place - use OBDII plug 6pin - CAN High, 14pin - CAN low.

In all renault cars all CANs goes to OBD (if they have more then one, of course, sorry if i'm wrong, with french cars i dont have very big experience). So connect there.

What exactly you're looking in CAN bus? Maybe i can help you icon_wink.gif
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Beitrag29-12-2014, 11:46    Titel: CAN-BUS Renault Megane 3 Antworten mit Zitat


I'm searching the canbus because i want to control a carpc via steering wheel control.

the radio have 2 can line: Multimedia and Multiplexing.

Multimedia connect the radio with navi and muliplexing connect the radio to the navi control near the hand brake.

This is a schema ( bad quality sorry )

My question is: Why the radio don't have a CAN Line direct to obd gateway? in which way it's take the command from steering wheel?

There isn't any wire for thi function ...
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CAN Hacker seit: 12.12.2011
Beiträge: 20
Karma: +1 / -0   Danke, gefällt mir!
Wohnort: Johannesburg,South Africa

CAN Support

Beitrag30-12-2014, 14:03    Titel: CAN-BUS Renault Megane 3 Antworten mit Zitat

Some Renault cars have dual protocols for the audio systems. CANBUS is used for KL15 ignition switching also for radio face illumination, speed pulse etc...

For the steering wheel functions a resistive protocol is used.

Possibly this is the system that is in your car.
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Beitrag30-12-2014, 23:12    Titel: CAN-BUS Renault Megane 3 Antworten mit Zitat

There are any resource where i can find PIDs of Radio? CANID etc..
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